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Customized Classes Available

Soul Care 101 

This class has been created for the sensitive soul. You know who you are!

-How to Protect your energy

-Are you taking on what isn’t yours? 

-Personal Clearing Techniques

- What’s grounding all about?


Living with Intention 

This class has been created help you live life with intention, learn to follow intuition while allowing it to grow.

- Being the Creator of your life

- Setting Intention – a daily practice

- Recognizing to your inner voice


Level One Usui Reiki (Intuitive) - Sensing the Energy (one on one classes available)

This class is designed to help you create balance in your world, reduce stress, enjoy a new sense of peace while you learn to release emotions that keep you bound. Learn your own natural intuitive abilities and awareness with Reiki-Universal loving energy. This class is designed to begin self care and empower you.  


We will cover:

- Reiki history, Attunements, The Reiki hand positions, The Reiki Principles, Grounding, Protection, & Clearing, Chakra Basics, Meditation, Self Treatment Hand Positions & Treatment, Treating Others Hand Positions & Treatment, and more.


I recommend Soul Care 101 prior to your Reiki Level 1.

Level Two Usui Reiki (Intuitive) - Call the Energy (one on one classes available)

Taking your Reiki to the next level and increasing the Reiki and your vibration. You will also learn 3 symbols including how to send Reiki healing energy at distance to people and events. 


We will cover:

- Power Symbol, Mental & Emotional Symbol, Distance Healing Symbol, Group Healing, Code of Ethics & Practice Guidelines, and more.


Prerequisites for Level two registration will be covered in Level One


Advance/Master Usui Reiki (Intuitive) - Class upon Request

Prerequisites for Advance registration will be covered in Level Two

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